I Wish I Had Friend That Can Borrow My Wigs, Clothes, Bags – Laura Ikeji

Fashion blogger and entrepreneur Laura Ikeji said she wished she had a best friend to borrow wigs, clothes, bags, and shoes from her.

In her words:

“Sometimes I wish I had a best friend that can come borrow my wigs, clothes, bags, shoes, someone that can come to my house without me being around, someone I could trust enough to travel with me and my family, (Not a staff or someone who works with me), someone who loved fashion like me, or maybe if my husband had a younger sister she could share my stuff with me or maybe ??‍♀️. My best friend @misszaynab doesn’t care about all these, this girl hasn’t asked me for a dime in about 15 years that I’ve known her ???, I love u Yemisi, just sometimes I wished u liked all these fashions, and it’s a mess lol. U just did not send it???”

Photo Credit: Instagram

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