10 Signs Your Spouse Is Cheating

Do you have a gut feeling that something is amiss in your marriage? If you do, pay close attention to your spouse’s actions and consider looking for proof of an affair. Discovering that your spouse is cheating can be devastating, but it’s important to be aware of the signs that may indicate infidelity. In this article, we will discuss 10 signs that your spouse may be cheating and provide guidance on how to identify them.

1. Hiding Their Cell Phone

Your partner’s smartphone can become a crucial piece of evidence to support your suspicions of their cheating. Pay attention if you notice that they act increasingly protective of their phone, carrying it with them everywhere they go and placing it face down when they spend time with you. They may even go as far as deleting text messages and contacts to hide them from you. If they spend more time on their phone than talking with you, it could be a sign that they have their attention focused on someone else.

If you feel safe doing so, try talking to your partner about how their constant phone use makes you feel unimportant. Ask questions like “who are you texting?” or “why are you hiding your phone?” If they become defensive or evasive, it could be a red flag. It’s important to try to open lines of communication before going through their phone yourself, as they could use actions like that against you later.

2. Avoiding Your Questions & Calls

If your spouse consistently fails to answer your phone calls or always calls you back later, it may raise suspicions. While it’s understandable that they may not always be able to answer your calls due to work or other commitments, consistent unavailability during specific times of the day could be a cause for concern. To gather more information, you can try reaching out to the person they claim to be with and see if their story aligns. Be aware that a cheating partner might try to gaslight you or accuse you of being paranoid to divert attention from their actions.

3. Overly Emotional to Questions

Approaching your partner with questions about their behavior may trigger strong emotions if they are hiding something. They may become defensive, angry, or avoidant. Take note of their reactions and consider how they differ from their usual behavior. Some cheating partners may compensate by remaining calm and communicating well when they are having an affair. Pay attention to any inconsistencies in their emotional responses when you bring up the possibility of an affair.

4. Changes in Sex Life

A sudden change in your partner’s sexual behavior can be a sign of infidelity. If your partner suddenly wants to stop having sex, especially if they usually have a high sex drive, it may indicate that they are getting their needs met elsewhere. Additionally, pay attention to any new sexual preferences or techniques that they introduce into the bedroom. They may have learned them from their lover and are trying to replicate the experiences with you. Changes in their attitude toward intimacy, such as a decreased focus on pleasure or a lack of romance, can also be cause for concern.

5. Different Smells

Unfamiliar scents on your spouse can be a clear indicator of infidelity. If they come home smelling like a different perfume or cologne, it may suggest that they have been with someone else. Pay attention to any changes in their personal hygiene routine, such as showering immediately after arriving home, especially if there is no apparent reason for it.

6. Special Clothing & Lingerie

Your partner may start surprising you with new lingerie or clothing. While this can be a thoughtful gesture, it can also raise suspicions when combined with other signs. If they suddenly start putting more effort into their appearance when going out without you but neglect their appearance when they are with you, it may indicate that they are trying to impress someone else.

7. Secret Emails & Accounts

If you discover that your spouse has a secret email account or other online accounts that you were previously unaware of, it can be a strong indication of infidelity. Creating separate email accounts allows them to communicate with their lover without raising suspicion. Be cautious if your spouse becomes defensive or evasive when you ask about their online activities or if they keep their laptop or phone hidden from you.

8. Suspicious Social Media Activity

Pay attention to how your spouse behaves on social media platforms. While some people are naturally less active on social media, a sudden decrease in engagement or disinterest in sharing your relationship on social media can be a sign of infidelity. Additionally, be on the lookout for any secret social media accounts that your spouse may be using to communicate with their lover.

9. Missing Finances

If you notice unexplained withdrawals or missing funds from your joint bank account, it could be a sign that your spouse is spending money on their extramarital affair. Ask your partner about the missing funds and look for evidence such as receipts or new purchases that can shed light on their spending habits.

10. Constant Lies

Lying is a common behavior among cheating spouses. If your partner consistently lies about their whereabouts, who they are with, or other aspects of their life, it may indicate that they are hiding an affair. Pay attention to inconsistencies in their stories and how they react when you question them. They may become defensive, emotional, or even try to turn the tables on you and accuse you of being unfaithful.

Signs spouse is cheating
Signs spouse is cheating

Discovering that your spouse is having an affair can be emotionally challenging, and it’s important to prioritize your well-being. If you suspect infidelity, consider seeking professional help, such as marriage counseling, to address the issues in your relationship. Ultimately, the decision on how to proceed with your relationship is up to you.

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