4 Costly Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make While Running A Facebook Ad

Every entrepreneurs, business owners and sellers want to bring their products to the public eye and hopefully gain the attention of potential buyers.

One of the popular ways they do this is through Facebook ads. To take good advantage of this advertising platform, knowing some costly mistakes that shouldn’t be made is really important.

My first time running Facebook ad, I made some costly mistakes which could have been avoided if I had done a proper research or came across an article like this.

One thing about Facebook ad is that money is involved, and a mistake can cost you money, time, or additional stress.

Here are some mistakes you should avoid.

1. Try as much as possible not to use words like “you”, ” your”, “my” and “me”. This goes against Facebook ad policy and it may lead to your ad being rejected.

Facebook rejects this kind of ad to prevent things like racism.

Running Facebook Ad

Instead of using terms like “you”, ” your”, “my” and “me”, you can use approach like “struggling with…”, or ” tired of…”. Moreover, most products are built with intention of solving a particular problem.

2. Publish every corrections: If you make any changes to your ad, whether it’s already running or not, publish it, or else the changes won’t apply. This particular mistake cost me 10 marks during my digital marketing training. I was told to make some changes to my ad which I did and save. I didn’t know I was supposed to publish the changes too.

Apparently, because I didn’t publish my changes, it didn’t rectify in other computers except mine and that was how 10 marks was lost.

3. When running a conversion ad, try to set a proper tracking information: This is really important especially when you are not the only one running your product Facebook ad campaign.

With a proper tracking information you will know where your lead is coming from.

4. Name every “ad campaign”, “ad sets”, and “ad” properly: This will make your ad campaigns look more organised and will help you locate them easily in the near future.

Take note of this 4 points and you are ready to create that impressive error-free ad.

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