How To Choose A Business Name That Stands Out

It’s important to choose a business name that stands out, but it can be tricky. There are so many different ways to go about this and it all depends on what you’re going for. If you want something that’s memorable, catchy and easy to spell (so people will remember your brand), then using your own name might not be the best option. If instead you want something easily readable by anyone who sees it (and thus easier to identify with), then using a keyword might be better than starting with your own name!

1. Use your own name

Your name is unique. It’s the first thing people notice when they see your business name and can help to create a connection between you and your brand, which is important for SEO (search engine optimization).

Your name is easy to remember. Your customers will be able to find you on social media, where most people spend their time online these days, so having a recognizable brand helps them remember what company they’re looking for when they visit a website or start writing an email.

Your name has proper spelling rules in place (for example, no “e” at the end). This means that if someone wants to search for something using Google’s “free-form search” feature—which allows users enter their own words into text boxes instead of categories such as “hotels near me”—you won’t lose out because someone typed “hotel” instead of “hote”

2. Start with a keyword

A keyword is a word or phrase that you can use to describe your business. For example, if you own a bakery called “Bake It Up,” your keywords would be “bakery” and “cake.” You could also use words like “fondue,” “chocolate chip cookies,” or even something catchier like “Chocoholic Bakery.”

If possible, choose keywords that are both relevant and unique so people know what they’re getting when they click on your website!

3. Keep it simple to remember and easy to spell

You want your business name to be easy for people to pronounce, even if they don’t know what the words mean. It should also be easy for customers and other businesses in your industry (or market) to spell with their fingers, because that’s what they’ll use when writing down their contact information! Avoid hyphens (and any other punctuation marks), numbers or special characters like dollar signs or exclamation points; these will only make things more complicated for someone trying to find you online!

Keep it short – no more than 2 syllables per word: example: “Blah-Diddy” instead of “Bleeeddy”. If possible avoid double letters altogether; this is especially important if there are any spaces between your first letter and last one (e.g., “OMG”).

4. Get creative with a rhyme or naming trend

One way to choose a business name is by using rhyming words or alliteration. For example, if you’re in the market for something that rhymes with “jewelry,” try “Jewelry-s.” Or if your company makes glassware, consider naming it after one of its main ingredients: Swirly Glass (a popular brand name) or even just glass itself!

You can also use trending names like those seen on social media platforms like Instagram—for example: #VanillaBeanBliss. These are catchy and easy to remember—and will get people talking about your brand!

5. Make it personal and personable

You can also use your name or a name that is associated with you. For example, if you have a pet, consider using the name of your dog or cat for your business. If you have a family member who has become successful in their chosen field and is known by everyone around them, this could be an appropriate choice as well. Even if it isn’t your real name (and many people wouldn’t want their company’s name to be something they were born with), it can still work well!

Another option would be to find another friend’s nickname that applies perfectly to the type of service or product being offered by their business; then associate those two concepts together through some sort of logo design or branding related art piece like we talked about earlier in this guide.”

6. Include your location in the business name if it’s relevant

You can also use your location in the business name. For example, if you’re located in San Diego and want to start a company that sells t-shirts, using the word “San” as part of your business name will help people remember where you are.

But don’t include the entire name of your town or city! That makes it harder for people who live there to remember exactly what company they’re looking for when they google “company with [business name].” Instead, just use something generic like “in [town]” or “based out of [city].” By doing this, people will still be able to find out more detail about how far away from home they need go before finding what they need—just by typing just two words!

This works especially well if someone lives outside their state but wants products made locally instead of online shopping because transportation costs would be higher otherwise (and shipping costs too).

7. Choose a different business name, if yours is already taken

If your business name is already taken, you can try another name. The first thing to do is use a domain name search tool, such as Google or Yahoo! Search Marketing.

Then, contact the owner of the business name and ask them if they’re willing to sell their domain name or transfer ownership of it to you at no cost. If they’re not open to doing so, consider using a different spelling (e.g., “WineStoreOnline”) or adding an additional word (e.g., “Wineshop” becomes “WineShop”).


  • Don’t be afraid to use your own name.
  • Use a keyword that is relevant to your business and make sure it’s easy for customers to remember and spell, especially if you’re using an acronym or abbreviation (like “Haircutzzz” or “Snapchats”).
  • Use a rhyme or naming trend that fits with the rest of your branding—if you’re going after hipster clientele, maybe try something like “Tiny Tots.” If you want something more sophisticated, maybe try “Gentlemen Only.” Whatever happens, keep it simple, easy-to-remember and easy-to-spell!


We hope this list has helped you get a better idea of how to choose a business name that stands out. There are many other factors that can influence the name of your business, but the most important thing is finding something that’s unique and memorable for yourself. Remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect—just make sure enough people remember it!

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